Estate and Financial Planning

Browse Articles in Estate and Financial Planning

Nest eggs with 401K and IRA written on them

Making sure that your finances are in order is an important consideration at every stage of life, and the topic is one that people tend to become increasingly focused on as they age. Whether you are looking for information about setting up an estate plan, want to know more about how to properly plan for retirement, or need to create or update your will, you'll find useful information on the LoveToKnow Seniors channel.

Retirement Finances

Estate Planning Matters

  • Estate planning: Educate yourself about the basics of estate planning so you have an idea of what to expect.
  • Living will: Learn what you need to know to protect your healthcare decision-making rights with a living will.
  • Power of attorney: Find out what you need to know when making provisions for to set up power of attorney.
  • Charitable contributions: Find out how to incorporate charitable contributions into your estate planning decisions.
  • Will: Learn how to establish a last will and testament, as well as how to amend the document through a codicil.

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Visit LoveToKnow Seniors often if you want to continue to educate yourself about the estate and financial planning concerns of seniors and their families. The site is updated frequently with new information on timely topics. There's an opportunity to learn something new every time you return!

Estate and Financial Planning