Celebrate a 60th birthday in style with these turning 60 sayings. You can add them to a gift or print them on a card to add a little pizzazz to a 60-year-old's birthday party. Discover turning 60 poems and sayings from fun to sentimental.
Quirky Sayings for 60th Birthday
Making it to 60 means you know how to have a good laugh. Have your friends and family chuckling over a 60th birthday with these funnies.
At 60, you're old enough to know better but too old to care! Here's to not caring!
Now that you're 60, it's perfectly acceptable to walk in the kitchen and not know why. You've just been preparing for this moment for the last 20 years.
Age is just a number. And for you, it's a huge number.
You might not be older than dirt, but you're definitely older than cell phones. Happy Birthday!
If you put it in perspective, being 60 isn't so bad. I mean, in dog years, you're like 420. Happy Birthday.
If you think 60 is bad, just remember in 10 years, you'll be 70. Happy Birthday!
Having your 60th birthday isn't just about growing older. There is more gray hair and wrinkles to look forward to, as well.
True, being 60 comes with more gray hair and wrinkles, but there is the senior discount to look forward to. Happy Birthday.
Sixty isn't all bad. You do have naps to look forward to.
Sixty is the golden age where you get to catch up on all that sleep you missed while you were 20, whether you want to or not! Happy Birthday.
Sixty might only be a number, but your birthday candles are definitely a fire hazard.
Happy 60th birthday! You know it's a challenging year when you pass out trying to blow out your candles.
Did you realize you've made 60 trips around the sun? Wow! That's a ton! Happy Birthday.
Sixty is that magical age where the hair you can't grow on your head grows everywhere else. Happiest of birthdays!
Heartfelt Turning 60 Sayings
Make someone smile on their 60th birthday through these heartfelt quotes. Add them to a card or sign to celebrate someone's 60th birthday.
Didn't you know? The value goes up with age. Happy 60th Birthday!
Age is just a number. It might say 60 in writing, but in my heart, you'll always be 29.
Sixty isn't so bad! It just means you've been a perfect ten six times in a row.
Everything gets better with age, just like you! Happy Birthday.
You aren't growing older at 60; you're growing wiser in all the best ways.
Being 60 is the best. You can still have fun, but now you have the freedom.
What's more precious than gold? You are 60 years old.
Your eyes hold a special gleam because you're 60 years young living the dream.
Sixty looks beautiful on you! Happy Birthday.
On your 60th birthday, I just want to say. Have a beautiful day.
At 60, I don't want you to shed a tear. It's only but a year.
People are like an antique: the higher the age, the more valuable. You, my friend, are truly valuable.
Happy Birthday! You are 60 years of sunshine, brightening my day.
Nothing is better than a classic! Happy 60th birthday!
Age is a beautiful work of art years in the making. Wear 60 proudly!
Turning 60 Poems
It's great to have a quote or two to add to a card, but poems for a 60th birthday can be a great addition to a toast. You might also post these doozies on their social media page to help them celebrate their day.
Just a Number
Sixty isn't just an age.
It's more about turning the page.
To finding more fun,
Now that your 50s are done.
Living Life
Since it's your 60th birthday
It's time to live life your way.
It's time to soak up all the sun.
Be sure to have lots of fun.
Happy 60th Birthday
60 is a milestone birthday.
I mean, what can I really say?
Now you should live life your way.
While you enjoy each and every day,
Happy Happy birthday.
There are 60 candles on your cake.
What kind of wish will you make?
Are you going to soak up the sun?
Or just roam the world having fun?
No matter what you decide to do.
Just remember how much I love you.
Happy Birthday!
Here's to 60 Years
You've made it to 60, hooray!
Some never thought you'd see this day.
In your youth, you were a bit wild.
A time or two, your mother said, "That not my child."
So 60 is an accomplishment to adore.
And here's to many more.
Just a Number
Sixty is more than just a number, you see.
You'll also start to notice that creaky knee.
And when you drive.
People will begin to wonder if they'll survive.
Even though your age grows yearly
But we still love you, dearly.
Your eyes sparkle with that special gleam.
And you've helped us all achieve our dream.
Because we love you the most,
I wanted to give you this little birthday boast.
You are more precious than gold.
More valuable than a diamond.
Though some may say our old,
To us, you've gotten better with age.
Happy 60th Birthday.
60 Years Young
The wrinkles are a sign that you laughed a lot.
Your gray hair gives you a distinguished look.
Age is but a number we are taught.
But on you, 60 looks great in my book.
Turning 60 Sayings
When someone you love is turning 60, you won't want to give them reverberated sayings floating around the internet. Instead, spice up their birthday with these original sayings on a gift or card.